Saturday, August 30, 2008

In Some Sources, The Average Number Of Credit Cards An American Has In His Wallet Is Four

Category: Finance, Credit.

Why do people fall into debt? The average American family spends a lot for food, shelter, clothing, gasoline, and other loans.

How do these people manage to spend so much without even knowing it? The United States Federal Reserve said that 40% of families in America spend more than their monthly budget. More data from the Federal Reserve suggest that debts are a common phenomenon among the population. It is not surprising why the average family has a lot of bills that are unpaid, especially when credit cards are put into consideration. As of 2006 to 2007, the current amount of debts owed to credit cards alone is$ 880 billion. Because credit cards are big problems when you have amassed huge amounts of overdue payments, financial consultants advise that you should get rid of your cards right away. In total, US consumer debts reached a whopping$ 4 trillion in that year, which includes total debts for car loans, home mortgage companies, medical bills, and more.

After you have paid off your debt, cancel them all. About 14% of the US population of credit card holders spends above half of their allowed credit. It will be best to opt for cash transactions from now on. In some sources, the average number of credit cards an American has in his wallet is four. Having known this, don t you wish you belonged to these stats instead? About 3% of the US population has already amassed a minimum of$ 9, 000 on their credit cards.

There are about 20% of families in America who possess no credit card. Do not be one of the 2 million households in the US with more than$ 20, 000 worth of credit card debts. Other sources also proudly present that 30% of families with credit cards were able to pay their recent monthly balance in full. One way by which you can end the headaches caused by credit cards is to get a debt consolidation loan, specifically a credit card debt consolidation loan. This avoids the inconvenience of having to deal with each card company, and you will only be thinking about one fixed interest rate. To simply put it, this kind of loan involves taking out a huge debt to pay off several smaller debts, and those are from your credit card companies.

Be sure you will be paying promptly this time, as you may risk having bad credit in the long run.


To Pay Off Debt Takes Time And Dedication - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit derivatives come in many shapes and forms and continue to evolve rapidly.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

By Learning To Recognize These Problems And Deal With Them, Much Impulse Shopping Can Be Nipped In The Bud

Category: Finance, Credit.

If you are like many people, chances are you have had your share of sleepless nights due to debt or other financial problems.

With all these worries, it is no wonder so many of us lie awake at night running our finances through our heads. We have all heard the stories about spiraling household debt, the dismal savings rate and gloomy odds for a happy, healthy and financially secure retirement, and it can often seem that we work all day just to keep one step ahead of the bills that keep piling up. Fortunately for those insomniacs there is help available, and it is possible to finally get a handle on all these problems and simplify their lives. It may not be possible to avoid all these problems, but it is important for every person to do what he or she can to get their finances under control. In order to tackle such a large problem, it is important, however to understand the triggers that can cause these problems. Perhaps the biggest cause of financial problems and sleepless nights is simply trying to live beyond one s means.

Instead of trying to have the newest and shiniest toys in the neighbourhood, focus instead on building the largest investment portfolio. Keeping up with the Jones s has probably done more to harm our financial lives than anything else. You will be better off in the long run. No matter what the reason, impulse shopping is, however dangerous, and it is important for consumers to get this impulse under control. Impulse shopping is another big cause of financial woes, and in some cases these impulses are related to that desire to keep up with the neighbours and present an affluent front. One way to do this is to examine the triggers that cause us to make these impulse purchases. By learning to recognize these problems and deal with them, much impulse shopping can be nipped in the bud.

Some of us shop and incur debt when we are stressed, when we are bored or even when we are angry. While there is no one right answer for financial problems, recognizing the things that make us overspend and accumulating debt and dealing with them can go a long way toward solving these all too common issues. And once you have finally put your financial woes behind you perhaps you will finally be able to get a good night s sleep

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Majority( 56 Per Cent) , However, Believe That Their Own Job Has The Same Level Of Security As It Did A Year Ago

Category: Finance, Credit.

Britons are seeing themselves as coming under increasing financial pressure, new figures show.

Rises in food and oil prices, in addition to a surge in mortgage payments, are reported to have had a particular impact upon consumers financial confidence, which in turn could affect their propensity to make payments on other essential monetary demands such as utility bills and personal loans. In the latest Consumer Barometer released by Lloyds TSB, a record 73 per cent of the population claim that prices in general have risen over the last 12 months, while just three per cent of people believe that a fall has taken place during this period of time. Meanwhile, one in five believe that their employment situation is more secure than at the same time in 2006, while about the same proportion( 21 per cent) claim that such confidence has decreased. The study also indicates that 41 per cent of Britons see the country s general employment prospects as currently being worse than the same time in 2006, while just 14 per cent view it as being better. The majority( 56 per cent) , however, believe that their own job has the same level of security as it did a year ago. These falls in employment- related confidence are attributed to increasing concern about the country s general economic outlook and the impact of the credit crunch.

However, despite worries about employment and cost increases, Lloyds TSB claims that more people believe interest rates are to fall in the coming months. Research from the financial services firm also reveals that 84 per cent of consumers believe that costs are due to rise further over the coming 12 months, which may cause even more people to develop difficulties in managing their finances. Overall, the balance of consumers who believe that the base rate of interest will be higher rather than lower within in the next 12 months currently stands at 43 per cent. Consequently, such a lowering of rates could see more people find themselves in a stronger position in which to make repayments on loans and credit cards. However, in October this figure stood at 53 per cent. Commenting on the figures, chief economist for, Trevor Williams Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets, said: "A record number of consumers are feeling the pressure of higher prices and this, together with worsening employment prospects, is clearly having a negative impact on consumer spending.

But if prices continue to rise next year, this will come, as consumers predict as little relief to many household budgets. " For those concerned that their ability to manage their finances in the coming months may come under further pressure, applying for a debt consolidation loan may be one way in which to offset fiscal difficulties. But as consumers struggle to pay their bills, we expect demand for higher wages to increase- official data showed wage growth hit a six- month high in September. "It s now pretty much expected- by economists and consumers alike- that the Bank of England will begin to cut interest rates in coming months. Taking out such a loan could be particularly advisable for many Britons struggling with money after a recent study conducted by the Motley Fool revealed that 66 per cent of people believe that financial matters should be kept private.


Even Just A Generation Ago, There Was A Markedly Different Attitude To Credit Cards Among The Majority Of People - Finance and Credit Articles:

Even just a generation ago, there was a markedly different attitude to credit cards among the majority of people. In many people s minds, they were merely a fast track to debt problems or even financial ruin.

Chase Credit Card Corporation Is A Credit Card Brand Owned By JP Morgan Chase& Co, A Pacesetting Global Monetary Services Firm - Millicent Cesario about Finance and Credit:

To start up, if you are particular about your privacy and would like to sign up with a World Wide Web credit card corporation that treats your personal details with the highest respect, then search for a credit card corporation on the Internet whose site www address starts up with https. You have the preference of meeting the minimum payment of the full amount billed to you by your credit card corporation if you are unable to pay the full amount.

So, It Will Be Better To Have A Reward Card With High Cashback Limit - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit card companies, in an effort to increase their client base provide credit cards with rewards. However, it takes more than a casual effort to get the maximum out of your reward card.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Prior To The Debt Beginning To Pile Up To Excessive Levels, There Are Warning Signs To Indicate That You Could Possibly Be Headed For Problems, Below Are The 20 Worst Debt Warning Signs

Category: Finance, Credit.

For a range people being in debt is often exceedingly stressful, the pressure of being in debt makes it hard to worry about everyday living and bills, if you have been receiving telephone calls and letters from creditors it makes life even worse, at times debt can be so bad that you have to consider filing bankruptcy because of the debt burden. It starts to become difficult to payment normal bills.

Prior to the debt beginning to pile up to excessive levels, there are warning signs to indicate that you could possibly be headed for problems, below are the 20 worst debt warning signs. It becomes increasingly hard to make ends meet each month. You discover yourself using credit cards to pay for normal items such as groceries. You re spending more dollars than you earn. Your credit card balances continue to grow. You start lowering your monthly credit card payments.

You have a good number of credit cards that are at or close to the credit limit. You re juggling credit card re- payments, holding off one credit card to pay one more. If you answered yes to one or more of these 20 worst warning signs, then you could possibly be headed for debt issues, hopefully you are early enough in the stages of any debt problem that you can start a preventative process now, by beginning to budget, chances are if you ve been having trouble paying bills and other items each month, you have not been living by a budget, what better time to start than now, additionally cut back your spending, use your budget to evaluate your spending, make a record of leisure items such as movie rentals, entertainment and restaurant meals. You dip into your savings to cover non- emergency items. 1 You find it difficult to save even the littlest level of cash each month. 1 You are getting telephone calls or letters or both from creditors and debt collectors. 1 You are unaware of the amount you owe and are frightened of finding out. 1 Credit cards become a necessity instead of a convenience. 1 You have to borrow cash to pay your monthly bills. 1 You apply for new credit cards because you don t have any cash. 1 You hide how much you re spending from your family and friends. 1 You ve recently been denied a credit card or loan. 1 You have no method of paying for unprepared items like car repairs and medical bills. 1 You have given thought to filing bankruptcy. 2 You delayed going to the hospital or doctor because you can t pay the co- payment. Importantly, obtain debt help look for consumer credit/ debt counseling services to assist you in paying off your credit cards, by commencing your debt consolidation solution today, you may become debt free in the future.


For The First Time In History, Credit Card Sales Topped Cash Sales - Jordan Shorts about Finance and Credit:

According to APACS( Association for Payment Clearing Services) , in 2004 we Brits charged just about �269bn on our plastic. For the first time in history, credit card sales topped cash sales.

Open Your Email First Thing In The Morning And You Will Be Met With An Avalanche Of Credit Card Offers From Different Companies - Finance and Credit Articles:

Open your email first thing in the morning and you will be met with an avalanche of credit card offers from different companies. In fact, you see the same offers in stores.

Do Not Close The Credit Card Accounts You Pay Off - Lauren Falgout about Finance and Credit:

Before you start shopping for a home loan or auto loan, there is one very important step you must take.

Monday, August 25, 2008

You Can Get A Free Debt Consolidation Program Online Too

Category: Finance, Credit.

A free debt consolidation program is in the best interest of those who are in such a tight spot that they can either pay their creditors or run their household.

They are there to help people make ends meet. If you are also in such a situation who uses one credit card to pay for another card then control your situation through the services provided by free debt consolidation company. Otherwise in your current situation bankruptcy is not far. Generally it is the nonprofit companies that provide a free debt consolidation program. Facts That Can Bring A Difference. They study your condition thoroughly before giving advice on consolidating loans. For these services they do not charge anything.

If you agree then they even arrange the best suited loan for you. The reason behind this is that they get heavy subsidies from creditors. But a wise advice is if you get someone offering services for free, then check thoroughly because a lot of times it is just a trick to lure debtors. Otherwise there are many in the market who would lend a hand of support for a fee. In the garb of no upfront costs extra charges are added in the monthly installments. You can trust the debt consolidation advice of these trained professionals because they have special expertise in debt policies and rules.

In a situation where you are neck deep in debt what you need most is credit counseling and that too from a certified consolidation specialist. The reasons you got in debt, the ways to deal with it, your income and expenditure, best free debt consolidation program for you and the path afterwards- everything is discussed in detail and in a friendly way. You can get a free debt consolidation program online too. Of course you must never get in this situation again so a payment plan is designed catering to your special needs. Various sites provide such programs. If you are thinking that with a past of bad credit why would anyone trust you with another loan? Only check the genuineness of the site before committing.

Then the answer is that just for people in this particular situation is planned- bad credit debt consolidation loan. Because your expenses were always more than your income in the first place that is why you faced bad credit. Bad credit results from late payments, payment defaults, arrears, country court judgments etc. The features of a bad credit debt consolidation loan are similar to that of any consolidation loan, though the interest rates could be a little higher. Go for one only if you are getting favorable terms of repayment, justifiable loan terms and low interest rates on a free debt consolidation program. Loan consolidation is really helpful if you have already exploited all other ways of dealing with growing credit like cutting down on expenses, increasing your income etc. as it is the last resort so you must exercise caution.


Comparing APR S On Different Credit Cards Is Fairly Important When Selecting Credit Cards - Tracy Brainerd's Finance and Credit blog:

Sometimes if you don t read the fine print you might find yourself signing up to a credit card with extremely high interest rates. The main secret to comparing credit cards is reading through the marketing material provided, visiting their website and looking around the internet for additional information.

This Really Helps Your Credit Score - Finance and Credit Blog:

There are several different kinds of information that you will find on your credit report.

Use Cashback Credit Cards - Finance and Credit Articles:

It might sound strange to you, but it is true that credit cards can make money for us. If you also belong to this group, credit cards have, think again made life easier and financially more rewarding for some.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

You Have The Right To Challenge Information In Your Credit Report As Inaccurate

Category: Finance, Credit.

Along with the 5 frozen fruit cakes, 12 extra pounds of padding and another year of Uncle Elmer singing drunken Christmas Carols- the biggest thing thing that Americans share each Christmas is an alarming and ever- increasing amount of debt.

Ouch! Did you know that the average American unsecured credit card debt is pushing 20, 000 Dollars per household? And invariably- while your debt load is going up- your credit score is heading in exactly the opposite direction. I remember being rejected for a home loan several years ago- not because I had any delinquent marks on my credit- but rather because my debt to limit ratio was too high- and according to the mysterious algorithms created by the FICO mathematical model- the chances I would default on a further extension of credit were much higher. (Just paying my credit cards down considerably the next month led to a huge jump in my credit score- and I was approved for that very same loan 60 days later. ) Your Credit Score is now the most singularly important component to any lending decision you are involved in- it s not how nice you are- how crisply your suit folds when you apply for the loan- or how eloquently you can communicate that the credit crisis you had in 2002 wasn t really your fault- rather- it was that old crazy girlfriend who stole your Bloomingdales credit card. Just because you pay your bills on time- does not guarantee you an above average credit score. Most people I meet have such erroneous understanding of what goes into their credit worthiness. The cost of bad credit isn t just measured in interest rates- or amortization charts- but in the very real and tangible psychological scars that accompany being denied for employment, housing and opportunity on account of what" number" a computer generates to measure our worthiness.

Credit issues are often times the most confusing and confounding issues we face as consumers- as more and more of our culture moves to a paperless society- the more dependent we become on having a healthy and positive credit rating. I can personally remember spending years being embarrassed at my credit rating, accepting less than I was worth in a whole host of areas of my life, just because I knew the score that represented me to the world wasn t too my liking- so rather than open that wound up to the world- I settled for what I had and waited the torturous seven years that they tell you it takes to remove the stain of past credit blemishes. But after one particularly embarrassing rejection, I said- "enough is enough" and began the process of learning the keys to credit correction. The truth is- I was young and un- informed and believed the myths I was told about credit and credit bureaus. Along the way- I came face to face with the many myths that permeate the scrapheap of bad credit information that exists in the general consumer s mindscape. In my experience- adding an explanatory statement to your credit file is not only a bad idea- it is an absolutely terrible one. Let s review a few of those" Myths" here: 1) Adding a" consumer statement" on your credit file to explain past sins or problems is a good thing.

The notion that a forgiving and understanding human being named Hank is going to carefully consider your lower back problem in 2001 that caused you to miss three months of work is a credit bureaus created fallacy- in today s impersonal world of credit scoring and profiling- there is just no merit( in the vast majority of scenarios) to adding a subjective, personal story to your file. You have the right to challenge information in your credit report as inaccurate. If anything- it just adds one more obstacle to the credit repair process- if you decide that information on your report is incorrect and needs to be challenged- you have your own" admission of guilt" to contend with. 2) Credit Repair is illegal and immoral- Absolutely not! This right has been provided to you by Congress in the Fair Credit Reporting Act and all of its subsequent revisions and. amendments. Credit Bureau errors are common, widespread and on occasion, so egregious that consumers like you and I have suffered for years in" credit purgatory" - unable to get employment, insurance and other benefits we are were deserving of- purely as a consequence of information in their credit files that was and is just flat wrong, and often- not even belonging to us! It appropriately puts the owness on the credit bureaus to verify and validate all of the information they are reporting on you to others.

And that is why the credit repair processes- and the laws that allow for it, are an important part of our rights as American consumers. It has become such an instrumental part of our ability to survive and get ahead in today s credit culture, that without having to verify that the information they are reporting is indeed correct, the credit bureaus would run amok with bad information and create even worse consequences for us. 3) Paying old bills off is a wise idea once you have the money to do so. No one should have the right to report false information on your ability or willingness to pay your debts. Well of course- philosophically( and ethically, too) paying your bills is always the right thing to do, but when it comes to your credit rating and credit score- actually paying your bills months or even years after they originally fell delinquent can be the most catastrophic decision you can make- and will- almost always- cause an immediate drop in your credit rating. You can most definitely fix your credit yourself- with nothing more than a word processor- some good old fashioned motivation- and a decent dose of knowledge and research. No matter how good your intentions- or how ridiculous it sounds- paying off old bills hurts your credit- unless you understand the proper process that needs to be followed to ensure your accounts aren t" re- aged" for further damage to your score and. credit future. 4) You need a Professional credit agency to repair your credit- absolutely not! The same laws that the professional firms utilize to challenge and dispute erroneous, outdated and unverifiable information on your report is available for use just as well.

It s analogous to fixing your transmission- or- representing yourself in a court of law- these are skills that can be learned by anyone willing to invest the time and energy involved. The key is to understand your rights- to be informed, persistent and knowledgeable- and you can achieve great results. If you don t have the time and inclination to learn, just hire someone who does! But remember- as we approach Christmas and the beginning of yet another new year- keep the credit cards safely stored in your sock drawer when you do your last minute shopping and you won t be faced with the daunting dilemma of starting 2007 with a credit score crisis- care of Kris Kringle and the Christmas crunch. :-) Either way- don t let anyone tell you differently- you can achieve great results in keeping your credit in tip top shape- regardless of how flabby it may be right now- with the appropriate amount of care and exercise.


Credit Cards Offer Instant Solutions To Your Monetary Woes - Finance and Credit Blog:

Budgeting happens to be one of the cardinal concepts related to money saving strategies.

If You Have Many Credit Cards And Are Seriously Into Credit Card Debt, Chances Are Good That You Must Be Thinking Of Getting Rid Of Few Credit Cards - Finance and Credit Articles:

If you have many Credit cards and are seriously into credit card debt, chances are good that you must be thinking of getting rid of few credit cards.

Credit Card Companies Are All Over The World And So Are Credit Cards - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit card companies are all over the world and so are credit cards. If you live in the UK, then you might need some information about credit cards that are available for you.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

If You Are Like Me, A Business Credit Is Very Importantfor The Survival And Proper Functioning Of Not Just Your Business, But Any Business For That Matter

Category: Finance, Credit.

If you are like me, a business credit is very importantfor the survival and proper functioning of not just your business, but any business for that matter.

I have also seen those people that would have increased their existing businesses if they had the necessary business credit. It s a fact that if one doesn t have the funds, he/ she cannot execute brilliant business ideas. The good news is that you can now get the business credit you need for starting your business or even growing it. The business credit needed to finance your business will be dependent on the nature and size of your business. There are many varieties of business credits that anyone can pick from. People who own and operate businesses can now heave a sign of joy, for the reason that they have lots of business credits to pick from. The private sector operators out there like the banks can provide these kinds of small business loans.

Anyone who owns a small business has the option of getting a small business loan. You will find that the competition for small business loan is higher than other types. Therefore lots of people can now get cheap business credit than was the case. That s the major reason why every bank tries to do better than the others in terms of low interest rates and settlement. Other types of business credits are the secured and unsecured business loans, the merchant account cash advance business loan, and the commercial, the accounts receivable real estate loans, among others. So take the time to learn all you can before going ahead. There are lots of information to help you decide which business credit to choose.

By far the best place to continue your search for the right business credit information is the Internet. In addition, there are many great websites that have tons and tons of quality information and accurate business credit facts and figures online.


Loans For Bad Credit Are A Hot Issue - Brooke Casebeer about Finance and Credit:

Loans for bad credit are a hot issue. See if this sounds familiar.

Sometimes It Is Not Always Possible To Get A Low Interest Credit Card - Finance and Credit Articles:

Low interest credit cards are highly sought after by credit card consumers everywhere and are quite possibly the best bargain of the credit card industry.

Check Your Consumer Credit Reports Annually - Finance and Credit Blog:

With more and more people plugging up to the Internet, many of them are discovering the ease of online shopping.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Other Card Companies Have Turned To Reward Programs Appeal To The Needs To Some Borrowers

Category: Finance, Credit.

As the credit card companies work harder to compete for consumer business, they are attempting to offer benefits that appeal to a broad range of borrowers. Other card companies have turned to reward programs appeal to the needs to some borrowers.

Some companies use promotional rates or transfer specials to entice card switching. Reward programs are designed to encourage card owners to make use of their credit cards by rewarding users for amounts used or specific types of purchases. Some are set up on a point basis, where users are rewarded with points based on the amount of credit used or specific products purchased. Programs are designed in a variety of ways. Other cards offer cash back incentives. Consumers need to consider their intent of use before agreeing to acquire a credit card. For instance, a card may reward the card holder with a 5 per cent cash back bonus for each purchase made with the card.

Most card companies offer a portfolio of products. While borrowers with excellent credit may find a card that offers all these benefits, some people may have to pick the products that are most advantageous based on the highlighted benefits. Some products use promotional rates and specials to entice consumers, others use the rewards or incentive programs, others offer grace periods as a way to appeal to borrowers who want to avoid high interest charges. Points based rewards programs, or those that offer cash back rebates, are essentially intended to promote more use of the card. By rewarding consumers for using their card, the card companies also generate revenue from the retailer transactions. Credit card companies make money from retailers with transaction fees.

This enhances the card company s sources of income. Card companies sometimes negotiate with certain retail chains in order to set up a mutually beneficial network for consumers. Other card reward programs involve retail networks and special bonuses for buying from specific companies or buying specific products. The card companies promote special bonuses or rewards for consumers who buy from retailers within the card network. This rewards the consumer, and also benefits the retailer due to increased demand, and the card provider because of the consumer interest charges and retailer transaction costs. For instance, a typical 1 or 5 per cent cash back program may offer a 5 per cent reward for buying from a network retailer. So are reward programs worth having?

If you re a regular card user then you can certainly profit from what you d be spending in any case, but be sure that the benefits aren t drowned out by interest charges on your borrowing.


Take A Loan - Valeria Westervelt's Finance and Credit blog:

It is no longer possible to escape from the tight grip that the loan providers of the market have placed over us. If you have to make a big investment, and you try consulting a trusted friend and advisor, the advice that you will invariably get is that of getting a loan to finance your needs.

S Who Happen To Have Bad Credit - Ana Coco about Finance and Credit:

Many people who dont know anything about credit have the feeling that the credit bureau is a government agency that works for Uncle Sam to ruin our lives but the real truth is that government agencies are just private companies that that have monopolized the credit industry. These three giants run the industry but there are more than 2000 smaller. credit bureaus.

Prepaid Cards Can Be Applied Online Instantly - Finance and Credit:

Prepaid cards come as a whiff of fresh air to those suffering from huge drawbacks of credit cards, and credit card debt.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

After That You Get 3% Rebates

Category: Finance, Credit.

Introducing a credit card that actually pays you to drive.

You can use the rebates for vehicle related purchases or a wide variety of other rewards. The Citi Driver's Edge Platinum Select Card earns you up to 6% in rebates on purchases, plus$ 1 in rebates for every 100 miles you drive! For the first 12 months, you earn 6% rebates on purchases at super markets, drugstores and gas stations. For other purchases you get 1% rebates. After that you get 3% rebates. Getting higher rebates at super markets, drug stores and gas stations is a great bonus.

The unique feature of this credit card is offering additional rebates based on how many miles you drive. Other cards limit the higher rebates to just gas purchases or they offer lower rebate rates for all purchases. You just send in your vehicle maintenance receipts showing your odometer reading and the rebates get added to your account. You would have to drive 50, 000 miles to exceed that limit. In a year you can earn up to$ 500 in" Drive Rebates" . Any driving you do qualifies, from long road trips to a trip to the mall.

New or used- any make, any model. The overall annual rebate limit for this credit card is$ 100 Your rebates can be redeemed for any of the following: Use your rebates toward buying or leasing a car, SUV and more, motorcycle. From oil changes to major repairs, use your rebates toward service on the car you already drive, when you pay for those services with your Driver's Edge Card. Choose from a wide range of merchandise and services- like gift cards from top retailers, travel and more, home electronics. Besides using your Driver's Edge rebates toward your automotive needs, you can redeem them for rewards offered through ThankYou Network, a free rewards program from Citi. The rebates have to be used within 5 years from when they are earned. The Citi Driver's Edge Platinum Select Card has a 0% apr rate on purchases and balance transfers for 12 months.

Rebates also expire if you do not use the credit card for 12 consecutive billing cycles. There is no annual fee and$ 0 Liability on unauthorized charges. This credit card is the same as the platinum select version, except the 0% introductory period is only 6 months. For students there is the Citi Driver's Edge Card for College Students. The rebates start at 3% on purchases at supermarkets, and gas stations, drugstores. It also has a higher interest rate. Then 1% rebates for other purchases.

Both credit cards are excellent credit cards that make it very easy to earn rewards. The rebate percentages are very competitive and the Drive Rebates make driving fun.

Monday, August 11, 2008

We All Know Criminals Are Out There, Waiting To Steal Our Information

We all know criminals are out there, waiting to steal our information. Most of these thieves are very far away.

All they want to do is run up the bill then leave you with the debt. The most common way for someone to steal your information is through a fake email and they usually say that there has been a problem with your account and needs attention and attention meaning your information. Then you can also right click on the link that they send you and even see if the website they sent is even real. Identifying these fake emails isn' t hard, most of the time the person doesn' t even have a credit card from which the company the thief is sending from. These criminals don' t want you to see their website source they want you to click on the link so it will take you right to the site. Those of you who have become victims of this scam probably realized too late and by then the thieves would have already went on a shopping spree with your credit card, running up the bill within minutes or even seconds.

Most of these sites are identical to the real credit card companies many use, therefore causing for many to steal your information as you type all your information in to the fake website. Once you have entered all your info in the fake website you have already done exactly what they wanted you to do and no longer need you. Even just clicking on the link to investigate could cause your computer to become infected with viruses or spyware, causing for them to steal your info anyways. If you received an email that is a fake you should delete it ASAP. If you do your part and protect all your info you have nothing to worry about. As long as you keep it protected you will have nothing at all to worry about. As you know your personal info is very important you would never want it to fall into the wrong set of hands.

There are always people out there on the internet waiting for you to mess up and steal your info so you should always be on the look out. A criminal will do anything they can to get what they need that is why it is so very important to keep it hidden. All they want is your credit card info and your personal info so do everything you can to protect it and give it to no person. If you keep it protected then you will have nothing to worry about and these thieves that are out there doing this wont be able to complete their scam. They might even try to get you involved in the scam by writing you emails to help them out but you really don' t know it's them messing with you. Some of these thieves will even actually try and get you to send them money.

The American Express Blue Card Is No Exception

These days, credit cards are loaded with great features and benefits. As a matter of fact, it is one of the better credit cards to own.

The American Express Blue card is no exception. The Blue card gives you flexibility and freedom you may or may not find in other major credit cards. The Blue card has no annual fee and a 0% APR( Annual Percentage Rate) for the first 15 months- 3 months longer than most reward credit cards. Depending on how you like to manage your finances, you can pay off your Blue credit card balance fully each month or over an extended time period. There is also a 20 day grace period to defer monthly interest fees and if you want extra credit cards for family and friends, you will receive them free. After you join, you will receive 1 point for almost every Blue card purchase you make. This credit card offers a no cost rewards program.

It won' t matter whether you are purchasing ice cream or airfare tickets, you will add up points that can be redeemed for retail products, travel and much, entertainment more. This Blue card feature can save you hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars. When you transfer balances from other higher interest rate cards to your American Express Blue card, you will enjoy a low fixed rate of 99% until the balance is paid and there is no transaction fee to get the balance transfer. The most current billing information is available to you online, charges, including transactions, and payments. Once you have made a purchase you just hold the card up to the payment reader, and that is, by the register it. You also receive Express Pay: Express Pay is a payment technology that lets you make purchases without swiping your Blue card. You do not have to sign anything and you can get a receipt if you choose.

There are more great features of the American Express Blue card to explore. There are thousands of Express Pay readers nationwide making it simple for you to make purchases quickly. With the Blue card you have great fraud protection online and off. An online year end summary gives you 24 hours access to significant information concerning your credit card account. You will not be held responsible for any unauthorized charges under any condition. You can download the summary, print it out and look over charges by date, charge amount and, merchant name review charges made within a category.

If you want more? The summary is an excellent tool for preparing taxes and budgeting. Well, how about 24/ 7 customer service and 90 day product return protection. You will also get purchasing assurance, so you can shop worry free, knowing that the original product warranty will be matched for an additional year, on warranties of 5 years or less. When a merchant will not take back a specific item, American Express will, within 90 days refund the purchase price up to$ 300 per item and a maximum of$ 1000 annually per credit card account. There is also the Purchase Protection Plan, which protects eligible purchases made with the Blue card against accidental damage and theft for 90 days after the purchase of your product.

Overall, the American Express Blue card is an ideal financial companion for daily credit card usage. You will also get car rental loss and damage insurance when you use your card for car rentals, Travel Accident Insurance, Emergency Card Replacement, and Global Assist Hotline, which helps you with medical, financial or other, legal emergency assistance when you travel more than 100 miles from home. Its flexibility as a credit card is readily discerned by reading the aforementioned benefits and features. It is a credit card that readily complements your financial portfolio and should be one of the credit cards you consider the next time you are in the market for a credit card.